“I am neither a stranger in a strange land, nor a foreigner in my own.” – Robert Frost

“The one who doesn’t feel like they belong anywhere often has the most beautiful soul.” – Unknown

“It’s strange being an outsider in your own home.” – Tahereh Mafi

“It may be lonely being the outsider, but it’s courageous too.” – Barbara Kingsolver

“Sometimes feeling like an outsider gives you a clearer perspective.” – Lena Dunham

“Sometimes feeling like an outsider can be the ultimate source of strength.” – Sara Bareilles

“I would rather be a little nobody, then to be an evil somebody.” – Abraham Lincoln

“I am always an outsider in this world, and I don’t mind it one bit.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

“Outsiders are usually the ones who change the world.” – Steve Jobs

“Being different isn’t a bad thing, it means you’re brave enough to be yourself.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to feel like the odd one out, because that just means you’re extraordinary.” – Unknown

“Sometimes it takes being an outsider to truly find your own path.” – Jennifer Donnelly I LL LET YOU GO QUOTES

“Don’t feel stupid if you don’t like what everyone else pretends to love.” – Emma Watson

“Don’t be afraid to stand out, because that’s how the right people will find you.” – Unknown

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs

“You’re not alone, there are others out there who feel just like you.” – Unknown

“Embrace your differences, for they make you one of a kind.” – Unknown

“Not fitting in is your gift to the world. Embrace it.” – Unknown

“The true magic of being an outsider is the freedom to create your own world.” – Unknown

“Being an outsider means you have the opportunity to make your own rules.” – Unknown

“The world needs more outsiders to challenge the status quo.” – Unknown

“Being an outsider gives you a unique perspective that no one else can replicate.” – Unknown

“Never be afraid to be yourself, for that is how you truly belong.” – Unknown