“Hatred is like a poison that slowly destroys the hater.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.” – George Bernard Shaw

“Hatred is self-destructive. It eats away at your spirit and consumes your happiness.” – Unknown

“Hatred is the one burden that is always heavier than its bearer.” – Sri Chinmoy

“Hatred is the absence of love, and the absence of love is the absence of humanity.” – Unknown

“Hatred imprisons the hater more than the hated.” – Nelson Mandela

“Hatred is a burden that can only be lifted by forgiveness.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a glaring darkness that blinds the soul.” – Unknown

“Hatred is the ultimate form of self-destruction.” – Unknown

“Hatred distorts the hater’s perception of reality, leading to irrational actions and decisions.” – Unknown

“Hatred is like a fire that consumes everything it touches.” – Unknown

“Hatred corrupts the soul, leaving behind only bitterness and emptiness.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a prison that locks the hater away from true freedom and happiness.” – Unknown FUNNY CHRISTMAS HAIR QUOTES

“Hatred is a toxic emotion that spreads like a virus and destroys all that it touches.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a wasted energy that could be better directed towards positive change.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a sign of weakness, not strength.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a heavy burden that weighs down the heart and mind.” – Unknown

“Hatred blinds us to the common humanity we share with others.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a choice, and choosing love instead is the path to true happiness and fulfillment.” – Unknown

“Hatred only breeds more hatred, perpetuating a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a weapon that only has two outcomes: destruction of others or destruction of oneself.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a poison that seeps into every aspect of life, poisoning relationships and clouding judgment.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a heavy burden to carry, while love is the light that sets us free.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a wasted emotion that could be better spent on cultivating empathy and understanding.” – Unknown