“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“You are enough, just as you are.” – Meghan Markle

“Inadequacy is a state of mind, not a reflection of reality.” – Unknown

“You are not alone in feeling inadequate. Everyone feels it at some point.” – Unknown

“Your worth is not determined by what others think of you.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the fear of not being good enough hold you back.” – Unknown

“Inadequacy is a mask we wear, not our true identity.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to make mistakes and feel inadequate, that’s how we grow and learn.” – Unknown

“You were born to be real, not perfect.” – Unknown

“Comparison is the thief of self-confidence.” – Unknown

“You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with feeling inadequate.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your energy trying to be someone else, you are already enough.” – Unknown

“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” – Unknown

“You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay.” – Unknown POSITIVE SELF LOVE RUMI QUOTES

“Measure your success based on your own progress, not on someone else’s achievements.” – Unknown

“Don’t let self-doubt rob you of your potential.” – Unknown

“Believing in yourself is the first step to overcoming feelings of inadequacy.” – Unknown

“Embrace the imperfections, they make you unique.” – Unknown

“Feeling inadequate is a sign that you are pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone.” – Unknown

“Stop comparing yourself to others and start focusing on your own journey.” – Unknown

“You can’t control how others perceive you, so focus on being true to yourself.” – Unknown

“Your self-worth is not dependent on the validation of others.” – Unknown

“You were not born to be perfect, you were born to be real.” – Unknown

“Your value lies in who you are, not in what you accomplish.” – Unknown

“Feeling inadequate is a reminder that there is room for growth and improvement.” – Unknown

“Self-acceptance is the antidote to feeling inadequate.” – Unknown

“You are not defined by your flaws or shortcomings, but by how you overcome them.” – Unknown