“Sometimes the people you’d take a bullet for, are the ones behind the trigger.” – Unknown

“It’s disappointing when friends let you down, but even more devastating when you realize they were never really your friend to begin with.” – Unknown

“False friends are like shadows, always around you at your brightest moments but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour.” – Unknown

“Be careful who you trust, even the devil was once an angel.” – Unknown

“It’s sad when you realize you aren’t as important to someone as you thought you were.” – Unknown

“Real friends are always going to be there by your side, even at times when you tell them not to.” – Unknown

“We don’t lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to give up on people, not because you don’t care, but because they don’t.” – Unknown

“Good friends are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who is always there during the highs and lows, not just when it’s convenient for them.” – Unknown

“It hurts when you realize you weren’t as important to someone as you thought you were.” – Unknown

“When trust is broken, sorry means nothing.” – Unknown

“Loyalty is rare, if you find it, keep it.” – Unknown INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES BY FAMOUS PEOPLE

“If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success.” – Will Smith

“When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.” – Maya Angelou

“You deserve friends who are there for you 100%, not just when it’s convenient for them.” – Unknown

“Don’t be disappointed by the friends you thought you had. Be grateful for the ones you have now who never left your side.” – Unknown

“Friends should be like books, few but hand-selected.” – C.J. Langenhoven

“A true friend will never abandon you, no matter the circumstances.” – Unknown

“Don’t be upset with people and situations that show you who they are. Be thankful and move on.” – Unknown

“A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third.” – Angelique

“You thought you knew me, but you only knew what I allowed you to see.” – Unknown

“It’s better to have no friends than fake ones. Surround yourself with true souls who care for you.” – Unknown

“When someone you trust lets you down, trust them less, but never stop trusting completely.” – Unknown

“Good friendships are built on trust and loyalty, not on convenience and convenience.” – Unknown