“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Maya Angelou

“Being someone’s second choice is like being their backup plan, and no one deserves to be just an option.” – Unknown

“Never settle for being someone’s fallback. You deserve to be their first choice.” – Unknown

“Don’t settle for being someone’s second best. You deserve to be their number one.” – Unknown

“Love is not about being an option; it’s about being someone’s everything.” – Unknown

“If you feel like an option, it’s time to opt out.” – Unknown

“Don’t be someone’s second choice when you can be someone else’s first.” – Unknown

“Never be an option in someone’s life when you can be a priority in someone else’s.” – Unknown

“You should never have to compete for someone’s love and attention. You deserve to be their first choice.” – Unknown

“Remember, you are not an option. You are a priority.” – Unknown

“If you constantly feel like you’re just an option, it’s time to choose yourself and walk away.” – Unknown

“Being treated like an option is a clear sign that it’s time to prioritize yourself.” – Unknown

“When you’re constantly made to feel like an option, it’s time to choose yourself and find someone who sees you as a priority.” – Unknown

“Your heart should never settle for someone who treats you like an option. You deserve someone who chooses you every day.” – Unknown

“You should never be someone’s backup plan. You deserve to be their first choice, every time.” – Unknown NEW JOB GOOD LUCK QUOTES

“Remember, you are worthy of being someone’s first choice, not just an option.” – Unknown

“A healthy relationship should never make you feel like you’re just an option. You deserve so much more.” – Unknown

“When someone treats you like an option, it’s time to prioritize yourself and find someone who values you.” – Unknown

“Never settle for being someone’s plan B. You deserve to be their plan A.” – Unknown

“If someone makes you feel like an option, it’s time to make yourself a priority.” – Unknown

“Being someone’s last resort is not love; it’s settling for less. You deserve so much more.” – Unknown

“You deserve to be part of someone’s future, not just an option in their present.” – Unknown

“Being treated like an option is not love; it’s disrespect. Choose yourself and find someone who values you.” – Unknown

“Never settle for being someone’s second choice. Your worth goes far beyond being an option.” – Unknown

“Don’t be with someone who makes you feel replaceable. Choose someone who makes you feel irreplaceable.” – Unknown

“If you feel like an option, it’s time to choose yourself and find someone who sees your worth.” – Unknown

“A relationship should never make you feel like you’re just a backup plan. You deserve to be someone’s number one.” – Unknown

“When someone treats you like an option, it’s time to walk away and find someone who will make you their priority.” – Unknown

“You deserve to be loved, cherished, and valued. Never settle for being someone’s option in a relationship.” – Unknown