“I feel lucky every day because I found love in you.”

“Luck brought us together, but love keeps us going.”

“With you, I hit the jackpot of love.”

“I’m not just lucky, I’m blessed to have you by my side.”

“I never knew how lucky I was until I fell in love with you.”

“Being in love with you makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world.”

“I’m taking a chance on love, and I feel fortunate for every moment.”

“Lucky is an understatement when it comes to how I feel about our love.”

“Love is a game of chance, and I hit the jackpot with you.”

“Feeling lucky in love means having you in my life.”

“Every day with you feels like winning the lottery of love.” HEART OF DARKNESS QUOTES ABOUT RACISM

“You’re my lucky charm in this game called love.”

“Luck didn’t just smile at me, it showered me with love when I found you.”

“In a world full of uncertainties, I’m lucky to have found certainty in your love.”

“Love is a gamble, and I’m grateful for the unconditional bet you made on me.”

“They say luck favors the bold, and love made me brave enough to find you.”

“I’m the luckiest person alive because I get to call you mine.”

“No need for four-leaf clovers; I already found my lucky charm.”

“When it comes to love, I’m not lucky; I’m blessed beyond measure.”

“You’re not just my partner; you’re my good luck charm on this journey of love.”