“I feel like I’m trapped in a never-ending cycle of misery.”

“Nothing seems to bring me joy anymore.”

“I’m drowning in a sea of sadness.”

“I can’t escape this overwhelming feeling of despair.”

“Every day feels like a battle against my own misery.”

“My heart aches with a profound sense of emptiness.”

“I feel like I’m slowly fading away, consumed by misery.”

“Misery has become my constant companion.”

“The weight of my sorrows is crushing me.”

“I’m lost in a dark void of sadness.”

“I feel like my soul is withering away.”

“Happiness feels like a distant memory.”

“My heart feels heavy with sorrow.”

“I’m suffocating under the weight of my own misery.” HEART TOUCHING NEW YEAR QUOTES

“Every day is a struggle to find a glimmer of happiness.”

“I’m trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering.”

“This constant feeling of misery is consuming my life.”

“I feel like my life is nothing but endless misery.”

“I can’t escape the darkness that engulfs me.”

“Misery has become my shadow, following me everywhere I go.”

“I’m tired of pretending to be okay when I’m feeling miserable.”

“My heart feels shattered into a million pieces.”

“I’m drowning in a sea of despair.”

“No matter what I do, I can’t shake off this feeling of misery.”

“I feel like I’m trapped in a never-ending storm of sadness.”

“My soul feels heavy with the weight of my misery.”

“I’m exhausted from the constant battle with my own misery.”