“The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Loneliness and depression are two sides of the same coin. When you’re lonely, it’s easy to get depressed, and when you’re depressed, it’s easy to feel lonely.” – Anonymous

“The greatest suffering comes not from being alone, but from feeling alone amongst others.” – Unknown

“Loneliness is not lack of company, loneliness is lack of purpose.” – Guillermo Maldonado

“The pain of loneliness is like being stranded in a vast desert with no hope of rescue.” – Unknown

“Depression is a deeply lonely and isolating experience. It’s like walking through a foggy abyss all by yourself, with no sight of the sun.” – Anonymous

“When you’re in a room full of people but feel completely alone, that’s when you know the depth of your loneliness.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the person who tries to keep everyone else happy is the loneliest person of all.” – Unknown

“Loneliness is not about having no one around, but feeling like there is no one who truly understands you.” – Unknown

“The worst kind of loneliness is not being comfortable with yourself.” – Mark Twain

“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” – Mother Teresa BEST ADVENTURE TIME QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Depression is the overwhelming sense of loneliness even when you’re surrounded by people.” – Unknown

“Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.” – Rupi Kaur

“Depression is a darkness that engulfs you, isolating you from the world, making it feel like nobody could ever understand what you’re going through.” – Anonymous

“The irony of depression is that it makes you feel like the loneliest person in the world, yet it’s so common that millions of people suffer from it.” – Unknown

“When you’re deep in depression, it’s like watching the world through a glass window, unable to truly connect with anyone or anything.” – Anonymous

“Loneliness is like being trapped in a room with no doors or windows, suffocated by your own thoughts.” – Unknown

“Depression is a silent battle fought within oneself, leaving you feeling alone in a crowded room.” – Anonymous

“Loneliness is not a lack of people around you, but a lack of connection with those people.” – Unknown

“Depression is the ultimate thief. It steals your joy, your hope, and makes you feel completely alone in the darkness.” – Anonymous