“Feelings are temporary, they come and go like clouds in the sky.” – Unknown

“Don’t hold onto someone who has let go of you. Feelings fade, memories stay.” – Unknown

“Time heals almost everything, but even feelings fade away with time.” – Unknown

“Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.” – Mooji

“Feelings are fleeting, but the impressions they leave on our hearts can last a lifetime.” – Unknown

“Feelings fade away, but the lessons they teach us stay forever.” – Unknown

“Feelings are like waves, they come and go, but you are the ocean.” – Unknown

“Feelings don’t define you, they are just passing through.” – Unknown

“Feelings fade, but self-love remains forever.” – Unknown

“Feelings are temporary, but the impact they have on us can last a lifetime.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the temporary emotions overshadow the bigger picture of your life.” – Unknown

“Embrace change, for feelings are ever-changing.” – Unknown BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT MOVING FORWARD

“Feelings come and go, but your inner peace should always remain.” – Unknown

“Feelings are like the weather, forever changing – don’t let them control you.” – Unknown

“Feelings fade away like old photographs, but the memories they capture remain in the heart.” – Unknown

“Don’t let fading feelings define your worth, for you are so much more than temporary emotions.” – Unknown

“Feelings may fade, but the scars they leave behind remind us of our strength.” – Unknown

“Feelings are temporary roadblocks, don’t let them deter you from your path.” – Unknown

“Embrace the ebb and flow of emotions, for feelings are not meant to stay forever.” – Unknown

“Feelings are like passing clouds, don’t let them overshadow the clear blue sky within.” – Unknown

“Feelings fade, but the wisdom gained remains etched in our souls.” – Unknown

“Don’t let ephemeral feelings dictate your happiness, find solace in the depth of your being.” – Unknown