“Marriage is not about avoiding fights, it’s about learning how to fight fair.” – Unknown

“A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on the days they struggle to like each other.” – Unknown

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take to make our relationship better.” – Unknown

“Love doesn’t mean never having arguments; it means not giving up on each other despite the arguments.” – Unknown

“The best relationships are those that go through the toughest fights and come out even stronger.” – Unknown

“Fighting for each other, not against each other, is the key to a successful marriage.” – Unknown

“It’s not about who’s right or wrong; it’s about finding a solution that works for both of us.” – Unknown

“Arguments may make the love shaky at times, but it can also lead to a deeper understanding and stronger bond.” – Unknown

“A successful marriage is built on trust, forgiveness, and the ability to communicate through the tough times.” – Unknown

“When we fight, I’m not fighting against you; I’m fighting with you, for us.” – Unknown

“Arguments are temporary, but the love and commitment we have for each other are forever.” – Unknown

“It’s not the absence of conflicts that makes a marriage strong, but it’s the way we resolve them together.” – Unknown

“In the midst of an argument, remember that the person you’re fighting with is the same person you fell in love with.” – Unknown

“Apologizing does not always mean you’re wrong; it means you value your relationship more than your ego.” – Unknown

“Instead of focusing on who’s to blame, focus on finding a solution that brings us closer together.” – Unknown

“Arguments are the opportunity for growth and understanding; avoid them, and you’ll end up stagnant.” – Unknown MOTHER TERESA LOVE THEM ANYWAY QUOTE

“A true test of love is not how hard we fight, but how quickly we forgive and move forward.” – Unknown

“Don’t let temporary frustrations overshadow the love and respect we have for each other.” – Unknown

“Arguments are like storms; they may shake us, but they also wash away the dirt, leaving behind a clearer sky.” – Unknown

“A healthy marriage is where we fight, learn, and grow together, rather than fighting each other.” – Unknown

“We may disagree in the heat of the moment, but our love for each other remains constant.” – Unknown

“Marriage is about working together as a team, even when we’re on opposite sides of an argument.” – Unknown

“Choosing love over winning an argument is the key to a harmonious marriage.” – Unknown

“Arguments are not a sign of a weak marriage, but a sign of two individuals who care enough to voice their opinions.” – Unknown

“Fights don’t define our marriage; how we resolve them does.” – Unknown

“A good marriage is one where both partners are willing to listen, understand, and compromise.” – Unknown

“The best way to resolve a fight is with a hug, reminding each other of the love that brought us together.” – Unknown

“You don’t have to get rid of all the conflicts; you just need to know how to dance in the rain.” – Unknown

“Arguments are like bumps in the road. They slow us down momentarily, but they don’t stop us from reaching our destination – a strong and loving marriage.” – Unknown

“In the toughest of fights, remember that we are on the same side, fighting for the betterment of our relationship.” – Unknown