“The heart may be strong, but the brain is wise.” – Unknown

“Listen to your brain. It knows what’s best for you.” – Unknown

“Logic will get you from A to B; imagination will take you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein

“The brain is the commander of the heart.” – Unknown

“Trust your brain’s logic, not just your heart’s desires.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the heart is wrong, and the brain is right.” – Unknown

“Let your brain guide your decisions, for it is the rational compass within you.” – Unknown

“A wise mind knows that following your brain leads to success.” – Unknown

“Your brain is your greatest asset; trust it over your heart’s desires.” – Unknown

“Your heart may be passionate, but your brain is wise.” – Unknown

“Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.” – Salvador Dali THANK YOU FOR THE APPRECIATION QUOTES

“The brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised wisely.” – Unknown

“Choose reason over emotion; the brain has better judgment.” – Unknown

“Your heart may lead you astray, so let your brain be your compass.” – Unknown

“The brain processes facts while the heart follows emotions; choose the former.” – Unknown

“Use your brain as your rudder to steer through an ocean of emotions.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your heart cloud your judgment; let your brain lead the way.” – Unknown

“Your heart may desire the impossible, but your brain knows what’s realistic.” – Unknown

“Follow your brain’s logical path; it will lead you to rationale.” – Unknown

“Feed your brain with knowledge, and it will guide you to success.” – Unknown