“When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints can be seen in the delicate petals of a flower.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are everywhere we look, we just need to open our eyes and see.” – Unknown

“The footprints of God are imprinted on the pages of our lives.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are found in the acts of kindness and love we show to others.” – Unknown

“God leaves footprints of grace and mercy wherever He goes.” – Unknown

“In every storm, God’s footprints can be found leading us to safety.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are etched in the depths of our souls, guiding us on our journey.” – Unknown

“When we walk in faith, we leave footprints that lead others to God.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints can be seen in the sunrise, a beautiful reminder of His presence.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are found in the moments of peace and stillness.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints lead us through the darkest valleys, reminding us that we are never alone.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are traced in the sands of time, a testament to His everlasting love.” – Unknown

“Every step we take, God’s footprints are there, guiding us along the way.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are found in the laughter and joy that fills our hearts.” – Unknown

“When we stumble, God’s footprints are there to catch us and lift us up.” – Unknown KHALIL GIBRAN QUOTE ABOUT LOVE FACEBOOK

“In every mountain we climb, God’s footprints lead us to new heights.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are written in the stories of our lives, shaping who we are.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are found in the eyes of a child, a reminder of His innocence and love.” – Unknown

“In the quiet moments of reflection, God’s footprints are evident, reminding us of His presence.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints can be seen in the acts of forgiveness and reconciliation.” – Unknown

“When we feel lost, God’s footprints are there to guide us back to the path of righteousness.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints lead us to the doors of opportunity, waiting for us to step through.” – Unknown

“In every challenge we face, God’s footprints are there, giving us strength and courage.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints can be seen in the love and compassion we show to others.” – Unknown

“When we look back on our lives, we can see God’s footprints in every twist and turn.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are etched in the stars, a reminder of His vastness and power.” – Unknown

“In every sunset, God’s footprints paint the sky with vibrant colors.” – Unknown

“God’s footprints are found in the moments of serenity and peace, reminding us of His presence.” – Unknown

“When we walk in faith, God’s footprints become our own, leading us closer to Him.” – Unknown