“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

“God’s love for the world is so immense that he sacrificed his own Son for our salvation.”

“God’s love knows no boundaries; it encompasses the entire world.”

“God’s love is unconditional; he loves every person in the world, regardless of their background or mistakes.”

“God’s love is the reason for our existence and the source of our hope.”

“God’s love is a beacon of light in a dark world, offering salvation and redemption to all who seek it.”

“The depth of God’s love for the world is beyond our comprehension; it is a love that surpasses all understanding.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that never fails; it is constant and unwavering.”

“God’s love for the world is not based on our merits or actions, but on his own divine nature.”

“God’s love for the world is not limited to a select few; it is available to all who are willing to receive it.”

“God’s love for the world is a selfless love; he gave everything so that we may have eternal life.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that cannot be measured or quantified; it is infinite and boundless.”

“The magnitude of God’s love for the world is seen in the depth of his sacrifice on the cross.” QUOTES ABOUT OPPORTUNITY

“God’s love for the world extends to every corner and every person, leaving no one beyond its reach.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that heals, restores, and transforms lives.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that brings hope in times of despair and joy in times of sorrow.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that sets us free from the bondage of sin and offers us a new life in Christ.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that brings purpose and meaning to our existence.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that forgives and forgets our past, giving us a fresh start.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that never gives up on us, even when we fail or turn away from him.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that brings unity and reconciliation among diverse cultures and nations.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that empowers us to love others and make a positive impact in the world.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that overcomes fear and gives us the courage to face any challenge.”

“God’s love for the world is a love that brings peace and harmony, restoring broken relationships and creating a world filled with love.”