“Family is not defined by blood, but by love, trust, and commitment.” – Unknown

“Adoption is when a child grew in its mommy’s heart instead of her tummy.” – Unknown

“Adoption is the highest privilege that any human being can ever have.” – Maria Montana

“Adoption was not a second-best option for my family, it was the first.” – Anonymous

“Adoption is a beautiful opportunity to give a child the love and support they deserve.” – Unknown

“A family is built with love, laughter, and adoption.” – Unknown

“Adoption is the choice to love unconditionally, and to grow a forever family.” – Unknown

“Adoption is not the call to have the perfect, ideal family. It is the call to love and protect a child unconditionally.” – Anonymous

“Adoption is a miracle that creates forever families.” – Unknown

“Adoption is the greatest act of love anyone can ever give.” – Unknown

“Adoption is a promise to love and care for a child forever.” – Unknown

“Adoption is the start of a journey that will change your life forever.” – Unknown

“Adoption may not always be easy, but it is always worth it.” – Unknown QUOTES FOR FIRST MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY FOR HUSBAND

“Adoption is a lifelong commitment to love and support a child.” – Unknown

“Adoption is a blessing that creates a new chapter in a family’s story.” – Unknown

“Adoption is not just about giving a child a home; it’s about giving them a future.” – Unknown

“Adoption is the gift of a family, given with open arms and filled with endless love.” – Unknown

“Adoption is not about biology; it’s about heart and soul.” – Unknown

“Adoption is love grown in the heart, not in the womb.” – Unknown

“Adoption may not make us all related, but it makes us a family.” – Unknown

“Adoption is a lifelong invitation to be part of something greater than yourself.” – Unknown

“Adoption makes us family, but love makes us forever.” – Unknown

“Adoption is where love begins and our forever family starts.” – Unknown

“Adoption is a choice to love without limits and embrace the beauty of diversity.” – Unknown