“A good heart is forever precious and treasured.”

“Love never dies, it lives on forever in our hearts.”

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day.”

“Forever is a long time, but not nearly long enough when you have loved someone with all your heart.”

“The memories we create with the ones we love will forever be etched in our hearts.”

“People may leave this world, but their impact on our lives lasts forever in our hearts.”

“The love we hold in our hearts for those we have lost can never be taken away.”

“Grief may never fully disappear, but the love we carry in our hearts for our loved ones is eternal.”

“Time may pass, but the love we have for someone can never fade away, it lives on forever in our hearts.”

“True love transcends time and exists forever in our hearts.”

“Forever starts in the heart, where memories live on.” APPRECIATION THANK YOU QUOTES FOR COWORKERS

“The ones we love may leave this world, but their love will forever reside in our hearts.”

“Our hearts are the vessels that carry the love we hold for those dear to us, forever and always.”

“Love has no end, it lives on forever in the depths of our hearts.”

“Forever in your heart, a place where love forever resides.”

“Memories are the threads that keep our loved ones forever woven in our hearts.”

“Our hearts are the keepers of the love we hold, forever treasured.”

“The pain of loss may lessen, but the love we hold in our hearts remains forever.”

“Forever is not a measure of time, but rather a measure of love in our hearts.”

“The love we have for someone may be silent, but it echoes forever in our hearts.”

“Time may pass, but the connection we have with our loved ones lives on forever, deep within our hearts.”