“Every child deserves a family, love, and a place to call home.” – Unknown

“Foster care is not a failure, it is a chance for a new beginning.” – Unknown

“A strong foster care system builds a stronger society.” – Unknown

“Foster care is about providing stability and opportunities for growth.” – Unknown

“A foster parent may not be a child’s first choice, but they are their best chance.” – Unknown

“Foster care is a temporary role, but the impact lasts a lifetime.” – Unknown

“We may not be able to change a child’s past, but we can certainly shape their future through foster care.” – Unknown

“Foster care isn’t giving up on a child, it’s giving them a chance at a better life.” – Unknown

“The love and support of a foster family can help heal the wounds of a child’s past.” – Unknown

“Foster care is an opportunity to rewrite the story of a child’s life.” – Unknown

“Foster care is a journey of love, patience, and resilience.” – Unknown

“Every child deserves to be seen, heard, and loved. Foster care provides that opportunity.” – Unknown

“Foster care is about creating a sense of belonging for children who have had their worlds shattered.” – Unknown

“Foster care is not a destination, but a stepping stone towards a brighter future.” – Unknown BEST QUOTES GOODREADS

“Foster care isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it.” – Unknown

“Foster care is about offering a safe haven for children in need.” – Unknown

“Foster care is about being a voice for those who have been silenced.” – Unknown

“Foster care is an act of compassion and kindness towards vulnerable children.” – Unknown

“Foster care is a chance to make a difference in a child’s life.” – Unknown

“Foster care is not a role, but a calling to provide love and stability.” – Unknown

“Foster care is a beacon of hope for children who have lost their way.” – Unknown

“Foster care is about creating a sense of belonging and family for children who have been abandoned.” – Unknown

“Foster care is a journey of love, sacrifice, and transformation.” – Unknown

“Foster care is about giving children the opportunities they deserve to thrive.” – Unknown

“Foster care is a reminder that every child deserves a chance to succeed.” – Unknown

“Foster care is about giving children the tools they need to build a better future.” – Unknown