“Manger est un besoin, mais manger intelligemment est un art.” – François de La Rochefoucauld ( “Eating is a necessity, but eating intelligently is an art.”)

“La cuisine est un acte d’amour.” – Joël Robuchon ( “Cooking is an act of love.”)

“On devient cuisinier, mais on naît gastronome.” – Jules Gouffé ( “One becomes a cook, but one is born a gastronome.”)

“La bonne cuisine est la base du véritable bonheur.” – Auguste Escoffier ( “Good food is the foundation of true happiness.”)

“À table, on fait plus que manger, on refait le monde.” – Unknown ( “At the table, we do more than eat, we remake the world.”)

“Il n’y a pas de meilleure cuisine que celle préparée avec amour.” – Unknown ( “There is no better cuisine than that prepared with love.”)

“Manger en compagnie éloigne la tristesse.” – Proverbe français ( “Eating in good company keeps sadness away.”)

“L’amitié vient toujours s’asseoir à table avec ses meilleurs morceaux.” – Charles Régismanset ( “Friendship always comes to the table with its best pieces.”)

“La gourmandise commence quand on n’a plus faim.” – Alphonse Daudet ( “Gluttony begins when one is no longer hungry.”)

“Le bonheur est servi à la table de ceux qui aiment partager.” – Unknown ( “Happiness is served at the table of those who love to share.”)

“La cuisine est l’art de transformer le repas en destination.” – Arnaud Donckele ( “Cooking is the art of transforming a meal into a destination.”)

“La table est le seul endroit où l’on ne s’ennuie jamais pendant la première heure.” – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand ( “The table is the only place where one is never bored for the first hour.”)

“Bien manger rend heureux.” – Unknown ( “Eating well makes you happy.”) BIBLE QUOTE ABOUT MOTHERS LOVE

“Il faut manger pour vivre, et non vivre pour manger.” – Molière ( “One must eat to live, not live to eat.”)

“Les repas pris en commun ont un goût de bonheur.” – Unknown ( “Meals taken together have a taste of happiness.”)

“La cuisine est un langage à travers lequel tous les pays communiquent.” – René Redzepi ( “Cooking is a language through which all countries communicate.”)

“Un bon repas est un objet de prière.” – Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin ( “A good meal is an object of prayer.”)

“Manger sans partager, c’est voler.” – Unknown ( “Eating without sharing is stealing.”)

“La gastronomie est l’art d’utiliser la nourriture pour créer le bonheur.” – Theodore Zeldin ( “Gastronomy is the art of using food to create happiness.”)

“Le rire est le sel de la table.” – Unknown ( “Laughter is the salt of the table.”)

“Autour de la table, on s’ouvre le cœur.” – Unknown ( “Around the table, hearts open up.”)

“Les meilleurs souvenirs naissent autour d’une table.” – Unknown ( “The best memories are born around a table.”)

“Une bonne cuisine est une cuisine généreuse.” – Unknown ( “Good cooking is generous cooking.”)

“Le bonheur se trouve parfois dans une simple assiette partagée.” – Unknown ( “Happiness is sometimes found in a simple shared plate.”)

“Manger sans amis est la plus triste des solitudes.” – Unknown ( “Eating without friends is the saddest form of loneliness.”)