“It’s Friday! Time to give 100% at work… 10% on Monday, 20% on Tuesday, 30% on Wednesday, and so on.”

“You know it’s Friday when the office start time becomes more of a suggestion than a requirement.”

“The only thing that motivates me on a Friday morning is the thought of the weekend.”

“It’s Friday, so I’m pretending to look busy until someone tells me it’s time to go home.”

“Friday: The only day of the week when your boss’s jokes seem funny.”

“On Fridays, I like to drink my coffee with a side of daydreaming about not having to work.”

“Friday: The day when pretending to work becomes an art form.”

“The best thing about Fridays? Surviving another week of pretending to be an adult.”

“Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to save us from the clutches of work.”

“Friday is my second favorite F-word… food is my first.”

“Working hard on a Friday means you can fully appreciate doing nothing on the weekend.” MOTIVATIONAL PILATES INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES

“Friday: The perfect excuse to do less work and more daydreaming.”

“On Fridays, I like to imagine my productivity levels soaring as high as my desire to leave work.”

“Friday: The day when productivity takes a backseat and procrastination becomes the captain.”

“Fridays are proof that even work has a sense of humor… albeit a twisted one.”

“Friday: The only day when going the extra mile at work means walking to the closest coffee shop.”

“Thank God it’s Friday! The two most important words in the English language.”

“If Fridays were shoes, they’d definitely be sneakers – ready to run away from work and towards the weekend.”

“Friday is the only day when you can truly look yourself in the mirror and say, ‘I’ve worked hard… for about 30% of this week.'”

“On Fridays, I like to remind myself that work is not everything… unless it’s Friday afternoon and you have a deadline.”

“Friday: The start of a beautiful love affair between me and my couch.”