“Sometimes, you have to remind yourself that you don’t deserve friends who forget about you.”

“True friends are never too busy to remember you.”

“When someone forgets about you, it’s a clear message that their friendship was never genuine.”

“If someone forgets about you, maybe it’s time to forget about them too.”

“A friend who forgets about you eventually forgets your worth.”

“When friends forget about you, it’s a sign that they don’t value your presence in their life.”

“You deserve friends who remember you even when you’re not around.”

“It hurts when friends forget about you, but it’s a reminder that not everyone is meant to stay in your life.”

“Don’t chase after friends who forget about you; the right ones will always remember.”

“A true friend never forgets about you, no matter how busy they are.”

“The people who forget about you don’t deserve a place in your heart.”

“Sometimes, it’s better to be alone than to have friends who forget about you.”

“Value friendships that remember you, and let go of those who forget.”

“If someone forgets about you, don’t let it define your worth; surround yourself with people who appreciate you.”

“Don’t dwell on friends who forget, focus on those who remember.” SHORT QUOTE ABOUT GOOD FRIENDS AND ZOOS

“It’s okay to feel hurt when friends forget about you, but remember that it’s their loss, not yours.”

“A friend who forgets about you is merely an acquaintance.”

“You deserve friends who will always remember your importance in their lives.”

“Being forgotten by a friend is a valuable lesson in realizing who truly matters.”

“Friends who forget about you are like stars that fade away; find the ones that always shine for you.”

“Cherish those friends who never forget about you; they are rare gems in today’s world.”

“Remember, a friend who forgets doesn’t deserve to occupy a place in your heart.”

“Don’t chase after friends who forget about you; invest your energy in those who remember.”

“A true friend will never forget about you, no matter how long it’s been since you last spoke.”

“If a friend forgets about you, it’s a sign that they’ve outgrown your friendship.”

“Your worth isn’t determined by the friends who forget about you; it’s defined by the ones who remember.”

“Better to be forgotten by some friends than to waste time on relationships that hold no value.”

“Remember, the right friends will never forget about you, even when life gets chaotic.”