“Sometimes the people you think are your friends turn out to be the ones who care about you the least.”

“True friends will always be there for you, no matter what.”

“It’s a sad truth when you realize that some people only care about you when they need something.”

“Friends who truly care will make an effort to understand and support you.”

“When you’re going through tough times, you quickly find out who your real friends are.”

“A friend who doesn’t care about your feelings is not a friend at all.”

“A true friend will care about your well-being and not just their own.”

“If someone doesn’t show any interest in your life, they probably don’t care about you.”

“A friend who only talks about themselves without asking how you’re doing doesn’t care about you.”

“True friends will always be there to lend a listening ear and offer a helping hand.”

“Surround yourself with friends who genuinely care and make you feel loved.”

“Don’t waste time with people who don’t care about your happiness.”

“A friend who constantly cancels plans or ignores your messages doesn’t value your friendship.” YOUR DAUGHTER IS SO CUTE QUOTES

“You deserve friends who genuinely care about your dreams and goals.”

“If someone always puts you down or belittles your accomplishments, they don’t truly care about you.”

“Real friends will stand by you even in your darkest moments.”

“A friend who never asks how you’re doing or what’s going on in your life doesn’t care about you.”

“Your true friends will go the extra mile to make sure you’re okay.”

“If someone only reaches out to you when they want a favor, they’re not a real friend.”

“Surround yourself with friends who lift you up and genuinely care about your well-being.”

“A true friend will always have your back and stand up for you.”

“If someone consistently puts their needs above yours, they don’t care about you as a friend.”

“You deserve friends who support your dreams without envy or resentment.”

“A friend who never shows up when they promise to be there doesn’t value your friendship.”

“Don’t waste your time chasing after people who don’t care enough to stay by your side.”