“True friendship is never one-sided; it encompasses a give and take relationship.” – Unknown

“Friendship is a two-way street; both parties need to be involved and committed.” – Unknown

“A real friend is one who stays with you through thick and thin, not just in good times.” – Unknown

“The beauty of true friendship lies in the mutual understanding and support between friends.” – Unknown

“Friendship is about being there for each other, not just when it is convenient.” – Unknown

“One-sided friendships can leave you feeling drained and unappreciated.” – Unknown

“Friendship should be a balanced scale, with both sides offering support and care.” – Unknown

“True friends listen, understand, and are there for you, not just when they need something.” – Unknown

“Good friends give as much as they receive, creating a harmonious and fulfilling friendship.” – Unknown

“Friendship is about reciprocation; both parties should invest time and effort into the relationship.” – Unknown

“One-sided friendships are like pouring water into a bottomless well; it can never be filled.” – Unknown

“True friends are those who make an effort to stay connected and be there for you.” – Unknown

“Friendship is a constant dance of give and take, ensuring both parties feel valued.” – Unknown

“A one-sided friendship can breed resentment and dissatisfaction; it is important to find balance.” – Unknown

“In a true friendship, both friends should feel equally important and appreciated.” – Unknown

“True friendship is built on trust, understanding, and a shared commitment to each other’s happiness.” – Unknown MUMMY MOTHERS DAY QUOTES

“One-sided friendships often leave one person feeling used and unappreciated.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who goes out of their way to make sure you feel loved and supported.” – Unknown

“Friendship is a partnership where both parties contribute to the happiness and well-being of each other.” – Unknown

“True friends are not selfish; they understand the importance of giving as much as receiving.” – Unknown

“Friendship is not a one-way street; it requires effort and understanding from both parties.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who doesn’t keep score, but rather gives selflessly.” – Unknown

“One-sided friendships can lead to feelings of loneliness and unhappiness.” – Unknown

“True friendship is a mutual investment, where both friends contribute to the growth and happiness of the relationship.” – Unknown

“A friendship without reciprocity is like a flower without water; it wilts and fades away.” – Unknown

“True friends always make time for each other, showing that the relationship is important to both sides.” – Unknown

“Friendship is about supporting each other’s dreams and aspirations, not just when it benefits one party.” – Unknown

“A true friend will always be there to celebrate your victories and offer support during your lowest moments.” – Unknown

“Friendship requires both parties to actively listen, understand, and be present for each other.” – Unknown

“In a true friendship, both friends feel comfortable enough to share their joys and sorrows.” – Unknown