“Twenty years of marriage and my spouse still hasn’t figured out how lucky they are to have me!”

“Marriage is all about finding that one person you can annoy for the rest of your life. Happy 20th anniversary!”

“Cheers to putting up with each other for 20 years! Here’s to another 20 more!”

“Marriage is a workshop where husband and wife work together to fix all the mistakes they made while dating. Happy 20th anniversary!”

“Twenty years together and we still haven’t killed each other. That’s true love!”

“Happy 20th anniversary! It only took two decades to train you to put the toilet seat down.”

“Marriage is like a walk in the park… Jurassic Park. Happy 20th anniversary!”

“Congratulations on 20 years of choosing the lesser of two evils – marriage is all about compromise!”

“Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is the husband. Happy 20th anniversary!”

“Happy 20th anniversary! We’re not just surviving, we’re thriving, despite our questionable taste in life partners!”

“Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? Happy 20th anniversary!”

“Two decades of marriage and I still haven’t found the manual. Maybe it’s lost with my sanity!”

“Happy 20th anniversary! We could have had a PhD by now if we had invested all that time arguing in something productive!”

“Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By year 20, you wish you had a club and a spade!”

“Congratulations on 20 years of pretending to be happily married! We deserve an Oscar for our performance!” HAPPY MOTHERS DAY I LOVE YOU QUOTES

“Happy 20th anniversary! We’ve made it this far, which means we deserve a prize. How about a remote control that actually works?”

“Marriage is a bond between a person who never remembers anniversaries and another who never forgets. Happy 20th anniversary!”

“Twenty years of marriage and the only thing we’ve truly mastered is the art of snoring in harmony!”

“Cheers to surviving 20 years of married life! I now understand why people say ‘I do’ instead of ‘I should have thought this through’!”

“Marriage is like a game of chess, one wrong move and you’re married for 20 years. Happy anniversary!”

“Happy 20th anniversary! We’ve officially had each other’s backs and put up with each other’s crap for two decades.”

“Twenty years together and we still laugh at the same stupid jokes. Love you more each day!”

“Cheers to twenty years of teamwork…and by teamwork, I mean you making the coffee and me drinking it!”

“Happy 20th anniversary to the one person who still makes me laugh, even when we’re arguing!”

“Marriage is like a long road trip; sometimes it’s smooth sailing, other times it’s full of detours and wrong turns. Here’s to navigating it all together for 20 years!”

“Congratulations on surviving 20 years of wedded bliss…or something like that!”

“Happy 20th anniversary to my better half, not that it was a difficult competition!”

“They say opposites attract, and I can definitely see that after 20 years of marriage. Here’s to many more years of driving each other crazy!”

“Happy 20th anniversary! Let’s celebrate being a perfectly imperfect couple!”