“Marriage: when dating goes professional.” – Unknown

“Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.” – Unknown

“I love you even more than I love chocolate, and that’s saying something!” – Unknown

“Marriage is like a workshop where the husband works and the wife shops!” – Unknown

“Happy anniversary to my better half. Without you, I’d be much more sane.” – Unknown

“Marriage is just a fancy word for adopting an overgrown man-child who can’t take care of himself.” – Unknown

“I’m still not sure how we managed to spend another year tolerating each other. Happy anniversary!” – Unknown

“Marriage is a relationship where one person is always right, and the other is the husband.” – Unknown

“Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.” – Unknown

“I am so lucky to have found you, in a world of countless dumb, unromantic men.” – Unknown

“Marriage is like a walk in the park… Jurassic Park!” – Unknown

“I think I’d choose you to be my life partner in every alternate universe.” – Unknown

“Happy anniversary to the person who still finds me attractive even when I snore uncontrollably.” – Unknown

“I love you more than pizza. And that’s saying a lot!” – Unknown 56TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY QUOTES

“Marriage is a workshop where the husband works and the wife shops… and shops… and shops!” – Unknown

“Marriage is like a game of chess, except the board is on fire, the pieces are molten lava, and you constantly argue about who set everything ablaze.” – Unknown

“Happy anniversary to the person who willingly puts up with my nonsense and weirdness every day!” – Unknown

“I still love you even when you forget to put the toilet seat down. That’s true love, my dear!” – Unknown

“Marriage is just two people constantly asking each other what they want to eat.” – Unknown

“I’m grateful for our marriage because that means I never have to sleep alone with spiders.” – Unknown

“Happy anniversary to my partner in crime, or should I say partner in weirdness?” – Unknown

“Marriage: when the groom first dreams of a soulmate, and then realizes he just wanted someone to pick up his socks.” – Unknown

“I love you more today than yesterday. Yesterday you really annoyed me!” – Unknown

“Marriage is all about finding that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Unknown

“Happy anniversary to the person who knows all my flaws, but still chooses to spend another year with me!” – Unknown

“Marriage is like a walk in the park… during a zombie apocalypse.” – Unknown

“Cheers to another year of tolerating each other’s quirks and making funny memories! Happy anniversary!” – Unknown