“I’m not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.”

“If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s getting attention. And maybe eating pizza.”

“I might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m someone’s double shot of whiskey.”

“I apologize in advance for the ridiculous things I’m about to say.”

“The only thing bigger than my ego is my shoe collection.”

“If attention was a currency, I’d be a billionaire.”

“I always dress to impress, even if it’s just my cat.”

“They say ‘be yourself’ but being me is a full-time job.”

“I like to think of myself as a professional attention magnet.”

“Life is too short for boring hair and shy personalities.”

“I’m not clumsy, I’m just a gravitational force that likes to entertain people.”

“I don’t need a stage to perform, I’ll entertain you right here, right now.”

“If being an attention seeker was an Olympic sport, I’d bring home the gold.”

“I don’t believe in quiet introspection, I prefer loud self-expression.”

“I have a black belt in standing out from the crowd.”

“I don’t need validation, just lots and lots of applause.” FAMOUS QUOTE ABOUT CONSEQUENCES

“Every day is an opportunity to make people laugh, cringe, or question my sanity.”

“I might not be a comedian, but I’m definitely a work in progress.”

“I live my life on the edge of awkwardness, all for the sake of attention.”

“I don’t always seek attention, but when I do, I do it with style.”

“Warning: I have a knack for turning heads and raising eyebrows.”

“Daily goal: Outshine the sun and steal the spotlight.”

“Life is too short to be ordinary, so I plan to be extravagantly attention-seeking.”

“I’m like a walking circus, performing tricks and demanding applause.”

“I don’t need a red carpet to feel like a superstar, I create my own limelight.”

“Attention, please! The attention seeker has arrived.”

“If being extra was a crime, I’d be serving a life sentence.”

“I’m not just any attention seeker, I’m a certified attention specialist.”

“Be careful, my charisma is contagious.”

“I’m here to make memories, create laughter, and ensure no one forgets me.”