“I don’t want to go back to school. I can’t find my pencil, and all my friends have been eaten by the summer vacation.” – Unknown

“School bells are the birds that sing to let everyone know you’ve given up your freedom and surrendered to the classroom.” – Unknown

“The only homework I’ve done all summer is trying to remember how to spell ‘homework’.” – Unknown

“Education is important, but jamming too many facts into your brain can make it toast.” – Unknown

“I was homeschooled, so the first day of school was just another day at home. Except my mom made me wear real clothes.” – Unknown

“Education is important, but watching cat videos on YouTube is importanter.” – Unknown

“I always give 100%… when I’m choosing what to wear on the first day of school.” – Unknown

“School: A place where you go to learn how to solve problems you’ll never actually have in real life.” – Unknown

“Summer vacation: the time when parents realize how grossly underpaid teachers really are.” – Unknown

“Whoever said ‘School is fun’ never went to school.” – Unknown

“If there were no tests or homework, school would be a paradise.” – Unknown

“The only thing getting a workout during summer break is my thumb, scrolling through social media.” – Unknown

“School: where you learn many useful skills, like how to perfectly balance a tray of food while walking in a crowded cafeteria.” – Unknown

“My brain cells are doing the ‘Macarena’ in anticipation of the first day of school.” – Unknown POSITIVE QUOTES FOR EXAM RESULTS

“Why can’t the summer break be a year-long vacation? Asking for a friend.” – Unknown

“My backpack is like Mary Poppins’ bag – I have no idea what I’ll find in there after two months.” – Unknown

“The best part about going back to school is seeing all your friends… on social media.” – Unknown

“After a long summer break, my brain needs a defragmentation and an update.” – Unknown

“I don’t always love school, but when I do, it’s because I’m on break.” – Unknown

“The only teacher you remember from summer break is Mr. YouTube.” – Unknown

“Just when I got used to being lazy, I have to wake up early and be productive. Thanks, school!” – Unknown

“I’m not saying I hate school, but if I had a dollar for every time I said ‘I can’t wait for summer break,’ I’d have enough money to start my own school.” – Unknown

“Brain: ‘I can’t wait for summer break!’ Heart: ‘I can’t wait for summer break!’ Alarm clock: ‘LOUD NOISES! SCHOOL!'” – Unknown

“The only ‘A+’ I want to see on the first day of school is an airplane ticket to my dream destination.” – Unknown

“The only thing worse than going back to school is realizing summer vacation is officially over.” – Unknown

“Summer vacations are like short-lived miracles, and the first day of school is when reality starts taking over miracles.” – Unknown