“You are the reason I wake up with a smile, and the reason I go to bed with a grin. Probably because you robbed me of my beauty sleep, but it’s totally worth it.”

“You’re like a breath of fresh air, only better smelling and with a killer sense of humor.”

“If I were a stoplight, I’d turn red every time you passed by, just to make sure you noticed me.”

“You must be a magician, because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.”

“Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you. Also, you’re hilarious.”

“Your smile is like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, but with the added bonus of making me laugh uncontrollably.”

“You’re the reason I believe in love at first sight, even though we met in our pajamas on a rainy day.”

“If beauty was a crime, you’d be serving a life sentence.”

“Our love is like a perfect punchline – it always leaves me with a smile and aching cheeks.”

“They say laughter is the best medicine, and baby, you should be a pharmacist because you have a prescription for a lifetime of giggles.”

“I hope you have a license, because you just swept me off my feet with your beauty and charm.”

“Being with you is like winning the lottery, except the prize is a lifetime supply of laughter and happiness.”

“You’re the peanut butter to my jelly, the cheese to my macaroni, and the laughter to my soul.”

“If love was a giggle, I’d laugh with you forever.” ORTHODOX CHURCH FATHERS QUOTES

“You’re so beautiful that you could have a career as a professional comedian if being drop-dead gorgeous ever gets boring.”

“If life was a joke, you’d be the punchline that brings the house down.”

“You’re the funniest person I know, and your beauty only adds to the hilarity.”

“They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I must have great vision because you’re breathtakingly hilarious.”

“You complete me like the last line of a perfect joke – you always leave me wanting more.”

“If laughter is contagious, then you must be a disease I never want to get rid of.”

“You’re like a comedy gold mine, always making me laugh until my stomach hurts and my mascara runs.”

“If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together to form the funniest couple in history.”

“You’re more than just a pretty face – you’re a walking joke factory that makes my world a brighter and funnier place.”

“Forget about Netflix and chill; I just want to spend my nights cracking jokes with you until we can’t stop laughing.”

“Some people say love is blind, but with you, it’s like wearing glasses that enhance the beauty and hilarity of the world.”

“Your beauty is a deadly weapon, but luckily for me, it only seems to kill me with laughter.”