“Friends come and go, but best friends leave footprints in your heart – and also on your yearbook page!”

“If you ever need a kidney, you know who to call. I’ll sell it to you at a discounted best friend price!”

“We may not have it all together, but together we have it all – including some embarrassing memories we’ll never forget!”

“We finish each other’s sentences, but we also finish each other’s desserts. That’s what best friends are for!”

“Best friends are like diamonds – bright, shiny, and always there to make you laugh, especially in your yearbook!”

“I’m grateful for a best friend like you, who makes even the most boring parts of school hilarious…like studying algebra!”

“A best friend is someone who knows you’re crazy but still chooses to be seen in public with you. Thanks for always being my partner in crime!”

“They say you should surround yourself with positive people…so here I am, surrounded by my best friend!”

“Friendship isn’t about being inseparable, it’s about being separated and knowing nothing will change when we reunite. Love you, bestie!”

“Best friends are the people in your life who make you laugh louder, smile brighter, and live better. Thanks for being that person for me!”

“You’re my lifeline: always there, always supportive, and always ready to take goofy pictures for our yearbook!”

“In the cookie of life, you’re the chocolate chips that make it sweet and delicious. Thanks for being my best friend!”

“We may have taken different paths in school, but our friendship has remained strong – like a stubborn math problem we tackle together!”

“They say a friend is someone who knows all your secrets, but a best friend is someone who helps you bury the bodies. Thanks for always having my back!” SHARING HUSBAND QUOTES

“You’re my partner in crime, my accomplice in laughter, and my ally against boring lectures. Thanks for being my best friend!”

“In the game of life, you’re the power-up that makes it more fun and exciting. Thanks for always bringing joy to my yearbook page!”

“We don’t have it all figured out, but together we make an awesome team – like peanut butter and jelly!”

“They say ‘birds of a feather flock together,’ but you and I are more like the weirdos who dance to our own beat. Thanks for always embracing your weird with me!”

“Sometimes I wonder how we’re not superheroes with all the adventures we’ve been on. Thanks for always being my partner in crime!”

“Friends are like stars: you may not always see them, but you know they’re always there. Thanks for shining bright in my yearbook!”

“If laughter is the best medicine, then you’re my personal doctor. Thanks for always prescribing jokes and laughter, bestie!”

“You make me laugh even when I don’t want to smile – and that’s why you’re my best friend forever!”

“We may have different talents and interests, but together we create our own unique and hilarious masterpiece. Love you, bestie!”

“You’re the cheese to my macaroni, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the laughter to my yearbook page. Thanks for always completing me!”

“Life is too short to take seriously, and that’s why I have you – my hilarious, silly, and amazing best friend!”

“They say best friends are the family we choose, and I’m so glad I chose you. Thanks for always being there in my yearbook journey!”

“You make even the most ordinary moments extraordinary and hilarious. Here’s to many more years of laughter and friendship!”