“I love my curves. Who says you can’t be sexy and eat pizza at the same time?”

“Embrace the jiggle, because life is too short to worry about cellulite.”

“I have rolls for days, and I’m not ashamed to admit that they’re delicious.”

“My body is a work of fart.”

“Confidence looks good on every body shape.”

“I may not have a thigh gap, but I have a happiness gap, and that’s all that matters.”

“I workout because my body deserves to be a strong and sassy temple.”

“My body is proof that curves are way cooler than straight lines.”

“In a world full of trends, I’m just here to rock my own body style.”

“I’m not fat, I’m just easy to see.”

“I have a body built for embracing snacks and naps, and I’m very grateful for it.” QUOTES ABOUT FEELING ALONE IN A RELATIONSHIP

“Nothing tastes as good as self-love feels.”

“I don’t need a six-pack when I can have a whole pizza.”

“My body is a masterpiece painted with confidence and sprinkled with glitter.”

“I’m not dieting, I’m just living my life deliciously.”

“No matter the shape or size, my body always brings the fun to the party.”

“Self-love begins when you embrace every curve and stretch mark as a badge of awesomeness.”

“I’m not fat, I’m just a little horizontally gifted.”

“I’m not a perfect 10, but I’m a perfect me, and that’s all that matters.”

“Loving your body is the best fashion statement you can make.”