“Bowling: the only time it’s acceptable to throw a ball at someone’s head.”

“Bowling is a fun sport because you get to wear neon shoes without judgment.”

“Bowling is just like life: sometimes you’re a strike, and sometimes you’re a gutter ball.”

“Bowling is the perfect excuse to eat greasy food and wear unflattering shirts.”

“Bowling is the ultimate sport for all the pin-heads out there.”

“Bowling may not be a contact sport, but it’s definitely a collision sport.”

“I don’t always bowl, but when I do, I prefer to throw strikes.”

“Bowling is the only sport where it’s socially acceptable to high-five strangers.”

“Bowling: the sport where everyone can pretend to be a pro athlete for a night.”

“Bowling is like a game of chess, just with more pins and bad dancing.”

“There’s nothing more satisfying than watching all the pins fall, except maybe pizza.”

“In bowling, it’s not about the size of the ball, it’s about the skill of the bowler.”

“You’re never too old to play video games or go bowling.”

“Bowling is the perfect sport for anyone who loves knocking things down and pretending it was intentional.” QUOTES ABOUT FLY

“I bowl to win. Did you think I played the game for fun?”

“Bowling is the perfect sport for people who have always wanted to throw things at random objects.”

“Bowling is a sport where you don’t have to be great to have fun, but it definitely helps.”

“Bowling is proof that even as adults, we still enjoy knocking things down.”

“The only thing better than bowling is celebrating a victory with a victory dance.”

“I can never decide if bowling is a sport or a way to avoid actually exercising.”

“Bowling is like a box of chocolates – you never know if you’re going to strike or end up in the gutter.”

“You know you’re a serious bowler when you start dreaming about perfect games.”

“Bowling is the closest thing we have to adulting – you pay to rent shoes and throw things.”

“Bowling: the sport where you can show off your unique style and questionable dance moves.”

“Bowling is the only sport where you can socialize, snack, and simultaneously knock things over.”

“Bowling is always more fun when you can blame the pins for not standing properly.”