“Love is like a rubber band: it hurts when it snaps back.”

“My heart has been broken so many times, it’s starting to look like a jigsaw puzzle.”

“If Karma doesn’t hit you hard enough, send an ex my way.”

“Love is like a glass of wine, it can either make you feel amazing or leave you with a massive hangover.”

“I’m not heartbroken, I’m just experiencing temporary emotional turbulence.”

“I thought I found my other half, turns out they were just trying to complete their puzzle.”

“Behind every successful love story, there’s a broken heart that got back up again.”

“If love is a battlefield, then I must be the master of getting struck by friendly fire.”

“I’m too broken to be bitter; I’ll just choose to be better.”

“Relationships are like algebra – sometimes you look at your ex and wonder how they ended up becoming your ex.”

“My heart may have been broken, but at least it didn’t break the bank.”

“Love is blind, but it still managed to find a bunch of assholes.”

“They say time heals all wounds, but a little wine and chocolate won’t hurt either.”

“Congrats to my ex for upgrading to misery 0.” ITS YOUR DAY QUOTES

“I don’t need a knight in shining armor; I need someone who can handle my emotional baggage.”

“If money can’t buy happiness, it’s time to find a sugar daddy instead of a boyfriend.”

“I may have a broken heart, but my sense of humor is still in perfectly good condition.”

“I wear my broken heart like a badge of honor. It shows that I loved fearlessly.”

“If you can’t handle me at my emotional breakdown, you don’t deserve me at my future emotional stability.”

“Love is like a game of chess – it takes two fools to make it interesting and one idiot to break it.”

“My heart may be broken, but at least I still have my Netflix account.”

“The only test I failed was love. Thank God I’m acing sarcasm and self-love.”

“Love is like a song on repeat; it’s great until you can’t stand the sound anymore.”

“I’m not crying because of love; I’m crying because I laughed too hard at my own jokes.”

“Got a broken heart? Don’t worry, I’m building a wall out of all the bricks my exes gave me.”

“Love is like a fart – it stinks when it goes sour.”

“The only thing that can mend my broken heart is duct tape and a new credit card.”