“I used to have a concussion once, but I can’t remember if it was funny or not.”

“I’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine, but I don’t think it works for concussions.”

“They say a concussion can make you see stars, but all I saw was the inside of an MRI machine.”

“I didn’t lose my mind with the concussion, but I swear it went on vacation for a little while.”

“I had a comedy routine planned for tonight, but my concussion said no.”

“Who needs brain cells when you can have a hilarious concussion?”

“I told my doctor I had a concussion and he said, ‘Well, at least you’re funny now.'”

“I tried to make a concussion joke, but it just went right over my head.”

“They say laughter is contagious, but I’m pretty sure concussions are too.”

“My concussion turned me into a stand-up comedian, or at least that’s what I think I said.”

“I asked the doctor if I could use my concussion as an excuse for forgetting things, but they said that was just plain forgetfulness.”

“I don’t always have a concussion, but when I do, I forget everything except the punchline.” MAKING THE BEST OF A BAD SITUATION QUOTES

“I tried to come up with a witty concussion quote, but my mind is still a little foggy.”

“I’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine, but I’m still waiting for my concussion to write me a prescription.”

“I don’t need a concussion to be funny, but it certainly adds a little extra head-banging humor.”

“They say laughter is the best medicine, but I think a helmet might be a close second for preventing concussions.”

“I told my friend I had a concussion and they said, ‘Well, at least you can now blame all your dumb jokes on it.'”

“Why did the concussed person go to the comedy club? For a good ‘head’-liner!”

“I used to think I was quick-witted, but then I got a concussion and now I’m just slow-witted.”

“They say you should never take life too seriously. I guess a concussion is one way to achieve that.”

“I tried to tell a concussion joke, but it was a little ‘hard’ for people to follow.”

“I asked my doctor if concussions can be funny and they said, ‘Not for your brain, but for everyone else, definitely.'”

“They say a good sense of humor is important, but I don’t know if my concussion agrees with that statement.”