“I have a great dad bod. It’s a dad bod in progress—just getting started.”

“Dad, thanks for always being my personal Uber driver… and for never giving me a low rating.”

“I asked my dad for his best dad joke, and he replied, ‘I’m not kidding, I’m a dad.'”

“I told my dad he should embrace his gray hair, and he replied, ‘Why? It’s not like I’m going bald on top!'”

“Dad, you always know how to fix things… except for my love life.”

“My dad has a PhD in dad jokes—a Pretty Hilarious Degree.”

“Dad, your jokes may be cheesy, but they’re always grate!”

“I asked my dad how to capture the perfect dad selfie, and he replied, ‘You just have to be good at f-stops and dad poses!'”

“Dad, every time you make a dad joke, an angel gets its groan.”

“When it comes to being a dad, my dad is a pro… a procrastination professional.”

“Dad, you may have told me the same story a hundred times, but I still laugh every time—out of politeness.”

“Dad, you’re like a walking encyclopedia, but the pages are all dad jokes.”

“I asked my dad if he’s ever won an argument with mom, and he replied, ‘Only in my dreams!'”

“Dad, you’re the only one who can embarrass me in public and make me laugh at the same time.”

“Dad always taught me to aim high, but my dad aim is questionable.” THE ROAD FATHER AND SON RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“Dad, you’re the coolest dad around… until you start dancing.”

“I asked my dad if he’s ever been on the cover of a magazine. He replied, ‘Yes, the Dad Times!'”

“Dad, you’re like a walking dictionary, always full of useless tea puns and definitions.”

“My dad always says the key to a good BBQ is patience, a sense of humor, and lighter fluid.”

“I asked my dad how he deals with stress, and he replied, ‘It runs in the family!'”

“Dad, you’re a real grill master—most of your jokes are well done.”

“My dad claims he’s the king of dad jokes, but I think he’s just the jester in disguise.”

“Dad, you’re like a beacon of dad jokes in a world full of serious conversations.”

“I told my dad he should start a dad joke business, and he replied, ‘But I already run a non-profit organization!'”

“Dad, you’re like a living pun generator—every conversation with you is like a dad pun marathon.”

“My dad always has a comeback for everything, except for his annoying ringtone.”

“Dad, thanks for being my personal Siri—always there to answer my silly questions.”

“I asked my dad if he’s ever been called a hero, and he replied, ‘Only when I fix the Wi-Fi!'”

“Dad, you may not be a superhero, but you’re definitely my super dad—I mean funny dad!”