“My family is so dysfunctional, we should have our own reality show.”

“I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.”

“Family dinners are like a game of emotional Russian roulette.”

“I’m not sure if my family is dysfunctional, or if other families are just overly functional.”

“I love my dysfunctional family, but sometimes I think it’s genetic.”

“We put the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional.”

“Family: where life begins and love never ends, but dysfunction is always in the mix.”

“Our family tree is full of nuts.”

“I come from a family where sarcasm is our second language.”

“We may not have it all together, but together we have it all… except sanity.”

“Our family motto should be ‘Yes, we’re related, and no, we can’t fix each other.'”

“If my family had a signature scent, it would be called ‘Eau de Dysfunction.'” I WILL ALWAYS KEEP YOU HAPPY QUOTES

“I’m convinced my family has more personalities than a season of reality TV.”

“Sometimes I think our family’s dysfunction could rival a Shakespearean tragedy.”

“My family could give dysfunction lessons to dysfunctional families.”

“Our family reunions are like a rollercoaster – lots of ups and downs, and someone always ends up crying.”

“We may be a little dysfunctional, but at least we’re entertaining.”

“In our family, laughter is the glue that holds us all together, along with a healthy dose of dysfunction.”

“You know you come from a dysfunctional family when your sibling rivalry could rival a WWE match.”

“My family dysfunction is so legendary, it should come with its own theme song.”

“We may drive each other crazy, but that’s what makes us family.”

“If dysfunction were an Olympic sport, my family would definitely win gold.”