“All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, some mistletoe, and a partridge in a pear tree. But mainly the teeth.”

“Dear Santa, I’ve been good all year… except for those few minutes when I thought I could dance like Beyoncé.”

“I’m dreaming of a White Christmas, but if the white runs out, pour me some red.”

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear… or by giving everyone a big box of chocolates.”

“Christmas is a time when you get homesick… even when you’re home.”

“Roses are red, violets are blue, I’ll eat all the cookies, and leave none for you.”

“I’m not Santa Claus, but if you sit on my lap, you can definitely tell me what you want for Christmas.”

“The only present you can’t re-gift is a fruitcake because nobody wants that thing.”

“Christmas shopping tip: If you can’t buy the perfect gift for someone, just buy them a bottle of wine. After a few glasses, everything becomes perfect.”

“Christmas is the season when you buy this year’s gifts with next year’s money.”

“I’m dreaming of a stress-free Christmas, where the calorie intake doesn’t count.”

“The only problem with Christmas cookies is that one is never enough. It’s like they’re trying to recreate the “one size fits all” concept.”

“I believe in the magic of Christmas, but I also believe in the magic of not doing any chores until January.”

“People say money can’t buy happiness, but I think they’ve never seen the smile on someone’s face when they unwrap a perfectly selected gift.”

“Do you ever just feel like a Christmas ornament in a world full of Christmas trees?” MEDICI FAMILY QUOTES

“Santa Claus has the right idea – visit people once a year.”

“Christmas is like a snowflake – it melts away too quickly, and before you know it, you’re shoveling the driveway.”

“Getting your Christmas shopping done early is like having a glass of holiday wine – it’s the responsible, adult thing to do.”

“Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.”

“Christmas calories don’t count… until January 1st.”

“Christmas is the one time of the year when you can deck the halls with boughs of folly.”

“Don’t blame the holidays for gaining weight. You can do that all on your own with year-round snacking.”

“I’m not Santa Claus, but I can make your days merry and bright… with a pizza delivery.”

“Dear Santa, I’ve been naughty this year. Can we just call it ‘studying for my future biochemistry degree’?”

“Take the ‘elf’ out of ‘self’ and you’ll find the true meaning of Christmas.”

“Christmas shopping is so stressful, they should just change the name to “Shopocalypse”.”

“I’m dreaming of a stress-free Christmas, without tangled lights or arguments about who gets the last piece of pie.”

“Christmas is magical, but the real magic is trying to fit all the leftovers in the fridge after a big feast.”