“Life is like a roller coaster for the emo kids, but the only emotion they get is sadness.”

“I tried to be normal once, worst two minutes of my life.”

“Not all heroes wear capes; some wear eyeliner and listen to sad music.”

“My tears are a silent language, speaking volumes of my inner emo drama.”

“Life is too short to pretend to be happy, let’s embrace the darkness and rock on!”

“I may be emo, but I still have a heart… somewhere deep under all these black clothes.”

“If life gives you lemons, squeeze them into your wounds and let the pain remind you that you’re alive.”

“Life is just a series of black and white moments, with a few dots of grey in between.”

“Who needs sunshine when you have the beauty of sadness in your soul?”

“I’m not broken, I’m just art that hasn’t been framed yet.”

“The only thing more tragic than my life is my taste in music.”

“My life is like a sad playlist on shuffle, each song reminding me of my own misery.” BIBLE QUOTE ABOUT THE ALIEN WHO RESIDES AMONG US

“Don’t worry about me, my dark thoughts are just a VIP section in my mind.”

“I don’t wear black to be cool, I wear it to match the color of my soul.”

“If crying was a sport, I’d have a gold medal.”

“Darkness is not the absence of light, it’s a state of mind.”

“I don’t need a knight in shining armor, I need someone who can handle my darkness.”

“My daily exercise includes: jumping to conclusions, pushing people away, and skipping gym class.”

“Life is too short to let the haters get to you, let them drown in their own mediocrity.”

“I was born in the wrong generation. I belong in the Victorian era, where emotions were poetic and corsets were fashionable.”

“If sarcasm was a superpower, I’d be the world’s greatest hero.”

“Life is like a broken record, playing the same sad song over and over again.”