“Congratulations on your engagement! Now you get to spend the rest of your life annoying each other.”

“Marriage is finding that one special person to annoy for the rest of your life. Congratulations on finding your soulmate!”

“Engagement is the time when everyone asks if you have set a date yet, and you secretly wonder if you can just elope and avoid all the questions.”

“Marriage is like a workshop where the husband works and the wife shops. Congratulations on entering the ‘workshop’ phase!”

“Engagement is the period when the bride-to-be finds out how many friends and family members have opinions about her big day. Good luck making everyone happy!”

“Engagement is the moment when you realize that your partner will be your permanent +1 to all family gatherings. Congratulations!”

“Engagement is the time when you realize that ‘happily ever after’ is just the beginning of a lifetime of compromise. Good luck!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! May you both find a perfect balance between ‘yes, dear’ and ‘whatever you say, honey.'”

“Engagement is the time when both partners learn the importance of selective hearing. Congrats on becoming experts!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! May your love for each other be stronger than your wifi signal!”

“Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other person is the husband. Best wishes on joining the club!”

“Engagement is when both partners realize they have opposable thumbs and can’t keep the ring on their finger. Cheers to perfect-fit rings!”

“Engagements are just rehearsals for the actual marriage. Enjoy the show, and break a leg!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! Remember, even the greatest love stories have their fair share of bloopers and outtakes.” AMUSING QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS

“Engagement is when you realize that love is all about sharing your fries and not your favorite Netflix show. Best wishes!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! May your future be filled with laughter, good company, and never-ending memes.”

“Engagement is the time when you discover that wedding planning is like a never-ending game of Candy Crush. Don’t worry, you’ve got this!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! May your wedding be as epic as your Tinder success story.”

“Engagement is when you finally get your partner to commit to a lifetime of putting up with your weird quirks. It’s a win-win situation!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! May you always remember to put the toilet seat down and keep the romance alive.”

“Engagement is like a daily dose of laughter and compromise. May you both have an unlimited supply!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! May your love be like a fart – always there and impossible to hide.”

“Engagement is when you realize that marriage is basically a never-ending sleepover with your best friend. Enjoy the snuggles and comfort!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! May your love story be as epic as the ones in romantic comedies, minus the annoying misunderstandings.”

“Engagement is like discovering a new level in a video game. May you both have infinite lives and continue to level up together!”

“Congratulations on your engagement! May your love be as everlasting as a battery that never runs out in the remote control.”