Here are 28 funny Final Fantasy quotes:

“I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” – Mewtwo

“Somebody set up us the bomb.” – Cid Highwind

“I’m helping those who fight against their fate, to free them from their chains.” – Lightning

“I’m sorry, did I interrupt you stuffing your face?” – Vivi Ornitier

“I’ve never been so humiliated in my entire life! I have half a mind to chow down on a garlic-candied apple!” – Wakka

“I have lived a thousand lives… and I will live a thousand more.” – Sephiroth

“Would you like me to tell your fortune? One gil a pop, that’s a bargain right?” – Sarah

“I have a higher purpose now: breakfast.” – Gladiolus Amicitia

“Good day, sirs! For the right price, I can summon your deepest fears!” – Tonberry

“Aye, sir, the rum’s always gone. But it’s never gone too far, mate.” – Jack Sparrow

“BOING! It’s official. I’m so happy I could just DANCE! Boing!” – Cait Sith

“You can’t judge a girl by the way she looks. It’s what’s inside that counts!” – Rikku

“Well, we’re heroes of the world. Everything we do is epic!” – Noctis Lucis Caelum

“The more the merrier. Bring ’em on!” – Tifa Lockhart MAKING TIME FOR MYSELF QUOTES

“I never asked for this job, but I’ll do it ’til the end!” – Snow Villiers

“I’m only interested in two words: ‘kill’ and ‘destroy’.” – Kefka Palazzo

“There’s always room for more loot!” – Balthier

“There is a time and place for everything… but not now.” – Red Mage

“Humans are such flawed creatures.” – Seymour Guado

“Everything your light touches is our kingdom… well, most of it.” – Simba

“I’m never gonna dance again, the way I danced with you.” – Sephiroth (singing Careless Whisper)

“I avoid using my sword for dinner. It’s much more effective at slicing monsters.” – Auron

“If you can’t handle a little heat, turn off the stove.” – Tidus

“It’s not the size of the sword that counts, but how you wield it.” – Squall Leonhart

“You spoony bard!” – Tellah

“I spy with my magical eye… something beginning with ‘B!'” – Black Mage

“You think you can fix me? I’ll cut those wings off myself.” – Cloud Strife

“I feel safer on a chocobo than in a boat.” – Lulu