“I’m not a control freak. I just like things done my way.”

“I’m not old, I’m vintage.”

“I don’t need an alarm clock. My kids jumping on my bed is enough to wake me up.”

“My childhood punishment was having to rewind movies before returning them to Blockbuster.”

“I never thought I would be the type of person to say ‘back in my day,’ but here we are.”

“I’ve reached the age where my brain goes from ‘you probably shouldn’t do that’ to ‘what the hell, let’s see what happens.'”

“I used to think ‘Netflix and chill’ meant watching movies on the couch. Gen Z ruined that for us.”

“Sometimes I question my sanity. Other times, it answers back.”

“I’m not anti-social, I’m just selectively social.”

“My metabolism is like a sloth on vacation.”

“I had to Google ‘fleek’ to figure out what it meant. And I still don’t understand it.”

“Back in my day, we didn’t have smartphones. We had pagers, and we were cool with that.”

“I don’t always listen to 90s music, but when I do, so does everyone else in the car.”

“I miss the days when I could eat without thinking about calories or my waistline.” CUTE SISTER IN LAW QUOTES

“The only running I do is running late.”

“If life gives you lemons, just add vodka.”

“I thought I had hit rock bottom, then someone handed me a shovel.”

“I’m at the age where ‘flexibility’ just means being able to tie my own shoes.”

“I’m not stubborn, I just know I’m right.”

“I may be over 40, but I can still Snapchat like a teenager.”

“I don’t mean to interrupt people, I just get excited and start talking.”

“Wine is my spirit animal.”

“At this age, my main form of exercise is walking to the fridge.”

“I don’t need therapy, I have a Costco membership.”

“Remember when being called a ‘player’ was a bad thing? Now it just means you’re good at online gaming.”

“I may be old, but I can still rock a pair of acid-washed jeans.”