“Love thy neighbor – but don’t get caught.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is one who laughs at your jokes, even when they’re not funny.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is like a rare Pokémon, hard to find but worth catching.” – Unknown

“My neighbor asked if he could borrow my lawnmower. I told him of course he could, as long as he didn’t take it out of my yard.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is someone who can lend you a cup of sugar without expecting you to return it.” – Unknown

“My neighbor knocked on my door at 2 am last night… can you believe that? Luckily, I was up practicing the trumpet.” – Unknown

“I’ve never really believed in the saying ‘Love thy neighbor’… until my neighbor got a dog and trained it to fetch my newspaper.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is one who knows how to keep their music loud enough to bother the annoying neighbors, but not loud enough to alert the police.” – Unknown

“I told my neighbor I was going to start an exotic petting zoo, and his response was, ‘As long as it doesn’t include the kids from my yard.'” – Unknown

“If you want to test your neighbor’s friendship, borrow their lawnmower and see how fast they offer to help you mow the lawn.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is one who offers to water your plants, and then secretly replaces them with artificial ones when they die.” – Unknown

“I asked my neighbors if they could hear me singing in the shower, and they said, ‘No, but we did find your voice on the neighbor’s cat’s collar.'” – Unknown

“My neighbor is so nosy, they installed a periscope on their roof to get a better view into my backyard.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is one who doesn’t judge you when you need to take your trash out in your pajamas.” – Unknown

“My neighbor thinks they’re a DJ, but I just wish they could figure out how to play the right notes when they’re singing in the shower.” – Unknown FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT MOTHER NATURE

“A good neighbor is one who understands that your WiFi password is like a sacred secret and will never ask you for it.” – Unknown

“My neighbor is an amazing chef. He’s so generous that he constantly invites me over for dinner, as long as I bring all the groceries and do the dishes.” – Unknown

“I asked my neighbor if they had any spare change, and they replied, ‘Honey, I’m your neighbor, not a coin-operated machine.'” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is someone who won’t call the cops when you throw a noisy party, but will join in and bring extra speakers.” – Unknown

“My neighbor owns a tortoise that’s faster than most of the people on our street during rush hour.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is one who always keeps an eye on your house when you’re on vacation and lets you know if your plants need watering or your cat needs therapy.” – Unknown

“My neighbor gave me a DVD set of ‘The Joy of Gardening,’ and I thanked him by giving him a bag of weeds from my backyard.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is someone you text when you’re out of milk, and they respond with, ‘I just finished baking cookies, come over and get some!'” – Unknown

“My neighbor once asked me to babysit their child, and I said, ‘Sure, but can you lend me a DVD of ‘The Exorcist’ to show them?'” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is one who lets you borrow their Netflix password, but not their boyfriend or girlfriend.” – Unknown

“My neighbor has a sign in their yard that says ‘Beware of Dog,’ but their dog is an adorable miniature poodle with a loud bark.” – Unknown

“A good neighbor is one who brings you a pot of homemade soup when you’re sick, just as long as you don’t ask what’s in it.” – Unknown

“My neighbor asked if I wanted to join their book club, but I said, ‘I prefer to read the back of cereal boxes instead.'” – Unknown