“I don’t believe there’s a power in the universe that can stop love. Except for heartbreak, indigestion, and physical injury.” – Crowley

“I don’t dance. And I especially don’t dance to Queen.” – Aziraphale

“There was a demon who could write true things in his books, and he never wrote anything about himself.” – Crowley

“I always say you can never trust an angel. Me. I’m a demon.” – Crowley

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned about angels, it’s to never trust them with a sword.” – Crowley

“I’m not sure if I’m supposed to believe in you or not, but I’ll tell you one thing: I certainly believe in you being here.” – Aziraphale

“The ineffable plan? Oh, that’s just the great cosmic joke.” – Crowley

“I didn’t mean to start the apocalypse. I just wanted to go to Tadfield and enjoy some nice, quiet days.” – Aziraphale

“Love is the greatest weapon we have, and it’s the only one they don’t want us to use.” – Crowley

“I don’t understand humans. They ignore the miracles happening right in front of them but obsess over the smallest of details.” – Aziraphale

“Heaven has a strict dress code, but Hell has great music and even better cocktails.” – Crowley

“Don’t trust prophecy. Or optimism. More often than not, they both lead straight to disappointment.” – Aziraphale BEAUTY SALON CHRISTMAS QUOTES

“I didn’t mean to be a rebel. It’s just that good deeds are so terribly inconvenient.” – Crowley

“I can’t be blamed for all the mischief in the world. You humans have enough creativity for that.” – Crowley

“The forces of good and evil are just a bunch of old men playing a never-ending game of chess.” – Aziraphale

“You know what I realized? The best part of being immortal is being able to eat dessert for every meal and never gain weight.” – Crowley

“I don’t have a problem with authority, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my plans.” – Aziraphale

“Hell isn’t as fun as they make it out to be. It’s just a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy.” – Crowley

“Demons don’t make friends. We make deals.” – Crowley

“I don’t owe anyone an apology. Except maybe myself, for being too damn nice.” – Aziraphale

“Who needs heaven or hell when you can have a nice cup of tea and a good book?” – Aziraphale

“I’ve never understood why humans are so obsessed with labels. Good and evil are just different shades of gray.” – Crowley

“We may be on opposite sides, but deep down, we both want to prevent the end of the world. It’s bad for business.” – Aziraphale