“I’m not saying she’s a gossip, but she can make a telephone conversation seem like a live broadcast.”

“Gossip is just a socially acceptable form of eavesdropping.”

“I don’t gossip, I just share well-researched information.”

“Remember, sharing gossip is like throwing confetti on someone else’s parade.”

“Gossip is like a spider’s web, easy to get trapped in and impossible to untangle.”

“Gossip: the art of saying nothing in a way that sounds like something.”

“Gossiping: the fine art of speaking without thinking.”

“Gossip is the number one tool for making small talk feel big.”

“Gossips are like cats, they only land on their feet when it suits them.”

“Gossips are like worms, always digging for juicy tidbits.”

“Gossip is like a boomerang – sooner or later it comes back to hit you in the face.”

“If gossip were music, some people would be a symphony.”

“Gossip is the currency of boredom.” ONLY GOD KNOWS HOW I FEEL QUOTES

“Gossipers never run out of material, they just find new targets.”

“Gossip is like a wildfire; the more it spreads, the more damage it causes.”

“Gossiping is like being a detective, except most of the information is made up.”

“Gossip is like a spice; a little bit can add flavor, but too much can ruin the dish.”

“Gossip: the secret ingredient in every dysfunctional workplace.”

“Gossiping: the art of speaking with authority on subjects you know nothing about.”

“Behind every great gossip is an even better imagination.”

“Gossip is the breakfast of discontent.”

“Gossip: the original social network.”

“Gossip travels faster than the speed of news.”

“Gossips: because everyone needs a hobby that doesn’t require talent or skill.”

“Gossip is like a game of telephone with a sprinkle of drama and a dash of exaggeration.”