“Grandmas are short on stature, but big on love.”

“I asked my grandpa if he ever tried flying a kite. He said, ‘I can barely control my TV remote, I don’t think I’m ready for the skies.'”

“Grandparents are like fine wine, they get better with age.”

“Grandma’s cookies are the cure for any bad day.”

“I asked my grandpa if he knew how to use emojis. He said, ‘Yeah, I just put a smiley face sticker on my flip phone.'”

“Grandparents always seem to have the best snacks hidden in their pockets.”

“My grandma said, ‘Life is short, eat the cake!’ So I did, and then she said, ‘but don’t forget to share.'”

“Grandpa always has a story for every situation, even if it’s about a fishing trip that happened 50 years ago.”

“There’s no bond quite like the one between a grandparent and their grandchild.”

“My grandma always tells me to eat my vegetables, but then she sneaks me extra dessert.”

“Grandparents are like living history books, with endless stories and wisdom to share.”

“I asked my grandpa if he had any dating advice. He said, ‘Son, all a woman really wants is for you to fix her leaky faucet.'”

“Grandparents may forget a lot of things, but they never forget how much they love their grandchildren.”

“My grandma always says, ‘You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream, and that’s pretty close.'”

“Grandpas have a special power that can fix anything with duct tape and a screwdriver.” HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WISHES QUOTES FOR HUSBAND

“Grandma’s hugs can make all the sadness melt away.”

“Grandparents know all the best shortcuts to avoid traffic, both on the road and in life.”

“I asked my grandpa if he ever went skydiving. He said, ‘Why jump out of a perfectly good plane? I struggle with jumping out of bed.'”

“Grandmas always have a warm smile and a plate of freshly baked goodies waiting for you.”

“Spending time with grandparents is like finding a treasure chest filled with love and laughter.”

“Grandparents never run out of bedtime stories, even if they’ve already told them a hundred times.”

“My grandpa said, ‘Age is just a number, unless you’re on a roller coaster.'”

“Grandma always knows how to make everything better, from a scraped knee to a broken heart.”

“Grandpas have a way of making you feel like the coolest person in the world, even when you’re wearing mismatched socks.”

“Grandparents are the only people who can make you feel like you’re the most important person in the room.”

“Grandma’s cooking is like a warm hug for your taste buds.”

“My grandpa said, ‘When you get older, you’ll realize that naps are the best part of the day.'”

“Grandparents are proof that love can grow stronger with each passing year.”