“Happiness is a state of mind. A place where you can wear sweatpants all day and nobody judges you.”

“My happy place is where the fridge is always stocked with chocolate.”

“Happiness is finding the perfect meme that perfectly captures your mood.”

“I found my happy place, it’s called Netflix.”

“Happiness is when you can laugh at yourself without caring about what others think.”

“I don’t need a happy place, I just need a plate of nachos.”

“Happiness is having a good hair day, even if no one sees it.”

“My happy place is any place that serves pizza.”

“Happiness is finding money you forgot you had in your pocket.”

“My happy place is a place where calories don’t count.”

“Happiness is when the Wi-Fi connects automatically.” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT CHEMICAL ENGINEERING

“My happy place is surrounded by books and a warm cup of tea.”

“Happiness is seeing someone slip on a banana peel and not being the one who fell.”

“My happy place is where the cashier accidentally gives me extra change.”

“Happiness is finding a sale on your favorite shoes.”

“My happy place is my bed, where all my problems magically disappear.”

“Happiness is when you finally finish a task you’ve been procrastinating on.”

“My happy place is where there’s a dessert buffet and no calories!”

“Happiness is when you wake up and realize it’s a Saturday.”

“My happy place is a quiet beach with a good book and a tropical drink.”