“Love is an awkward mix of ‘let’s cuddle forever’ and ‘get off my face now.'” – Unknown

“Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it’s probably crap.” – Unknown

“Love is sharing your popcorn, even when you wanted the last piece.” – Unknown

“Love is the only kind of fire that is never covered by insurance.” – Unknown

“Love is finding someone who’ll watch all the Marvel movies with you without judgment.” – Unknown

“Love is a lot like a toothache, it doesn’t show up on X-rays but you know it’s there.” – Unknown

“Love is like a WiFi signal, you never know when it’s coming but you’re always thrilled when it does.” – Unknown

“Love is being a team player, even when the game turns into an argument about who’s right.” – Unknown

“Love is like a boomerang, the more you give, the more it comes back and hits you in the face.” – Unknown

“Love is staying together, even when your partner insists on putting pineapple on pizza.” – Unknown

“Love is letting your significant other control the TV remote, even when it means watching reality shows.” – Unknown

“Love is surviving Ikea furniture assembly together without killing each other.” – Unknown

“Love is being the weirdo couple who dance to their own music and laugh when people stare.” – Unknown BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT WOLVES IN SHEEP& 39

“Love is finding someone who thinks your flaws are perfect like a symphony of imperfections.” – Unknown

“Love is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs, but it’s the thrill that keeps you coming back.” – Unknown

“Love is enjoying the little moments, like finding a random french fry in your pocket.” – Unknown

“Love is that special someone who can make you laugh even when you’re having the worst day.” – Unknown

“Love is being able to annoy each other and still end up in a fit of laughter.” – Unknown

“Love is finding someone who not only accepts your weirdness but also joins in.” – Unknown

“Love is like a great cup of coffee, it can make even the dreariest mornings brighter.” – Unknown

“Love is believing that there’s always room for dessert, no matter how full you are.” – Unknown

“Love is realizing you don’t need a superhero when you have someone who loves you unconditionally.” – Unknown

“Love is your partner cooking dinner even when they’re terrible at it, just to make you smile.” – Unknown

“Love is finding someone who can handle your worst moments and still see the best in you.” – Unknown

“Love is finding someone who dances with you in the grocery store aisles and doesn’t care who’s watching.” – Unknown