“I tried working out once, but then I heard there’s a 21-day money-back guarantee, so I returned to my couch.” – Unknown

“My doctor told me exercise is good for me, but I don’t want to risk being known as a healthy person.” – Unknown

“I don’t just exercise for the physical benefits, I do it for the incredible sense of accomplishment of finishing a workout and not collapsing.” – Unknown

“My workout routine is called ‘wine-waiting’: I open a bottle of wine and wait for a miracle to happen.” – Unknown

“The only exercise I get is jumping to conclusions.” – Unknown

“I may not be the strongest or fittest, but I guarantee you I can eat a whole pizza in under 10 minutes.” – Unknown

“I don’t sweat, I sparkle.” – Unknown

“My abs are like the Loch Ness monster: some claim they’ve seen them, but it’s mostly just wild imagination.” – Unknown

“The hardest part of my workout routine is taking off my sports bra. It’s an Olympic-level struggle.” – Unknown

“My exercise of choice is running late and jumping to conclusions.” – Unknown

“I’m in shape. Round is a shape, right?” – Unknown

“I workout because it’s good for my health, happiness, and the occasional nacho binge guilt.” – Unknown

“I don’t always exercise, but when I do, I wear very stretchy pants for maximum flexibility.” – Unknown

“I walk so slowly, I’m basically walking backwards in time.” – Unknown QUOTE OF THE DAY FOR FRIENDS

“Exercise? Oh, I thought you said extra fries.” – Unknown

“I don’t jog, it drops my ice cream.” – Unknown

“People say exercise makes you live longer, but who wants to live longer if it means more burpees?” – Unknown

“I pretend to workout so people think I’m a responsible adult.” – Unknown

“My exercise routine consists of running late, jumping to conclusions, and avoiding adult responsibilities.” – Unknown

“I keep saying I’ll start exercising, but that just seems like a lot of work for my heart.” – Unknown

“I have a really great workout routine planned for tomorrow. It’s called ‘sitting on the couch and watching TV.'” – Unknown

“I only run when it comes to out of milk for my coffee.” – Unknown

“They say six-pack abs are made in the kitchen. Well, I must be a chef because I’m always cooking up a feast.” – Unknown

“I’m not a gym rat, I’m more of a sofa sloth.” – Unknown

“I don’t always exercise, but when I do, I blink really fast for the aerobic benefit.” – Unknown

“I don’t go to the gym, I just hold in my stomach whenever I pass a mirror.” – Unknown