“I spent four years trying to figure out where to sit in the cafeteria, and I’m still not sure.”

“They told me high school would be the best years of my life… they lied.”

“The only thing I learned in high school is how to avoid doing any actual work.”

“I may not have been popular, but I definitely had the best excuses for not doing my homework.”

“My high school experience can be summed up by the phrase: ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time.'”

“I’ve had perfect attendance for years… in avoiding drama and unnecessary social interactions.”

“I didn’t choose the high school life, the high school life chose me.”

“They say high school is all about finding yourself, but all I found was a lot of stress and really bad cafeteria food.”

“I may not have been the class clown, but I definitely had my moments… mainly when I fell asleep in class.”

“I survived four years of high school, and all I got was this lousy yearbook quote.”

“Sleeping through class was my ultimate talent. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when your eyes are closed.” SHORT QUOTE ABOUT ENJOYING LIFE

“High school is like a roller coaster ride… full of screaming, nausea, and an overwhelming desire to get off.”

“My high school experience was like a poorly written sitcom, full of awkward moments and questionable fashion choices.”

“I didn’t choose the thug life; the thug life chose me… specifically, the math club.”

“High school taught me some valuable life lessons, like how to calculate the minimum amount of effort required to pass a class.”

“I didn’t win any popularity contests in high school, but I’m confident I would have won ‘Most Likely to Take a Nap’.”

“I may not have been voted ‘Most Likely to Succeed’, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be the one making everyone laugh at the reunion.”

“High school was a journey of self-discovery… mainly discovering how much I hate group projects.”

“My high school experience was like a really long movie… you think it’s going to end at some point, but it just keeps dragging on.”

“In the game of high school, I may not have been the MVP, but I definitely had the most creative excuses for being late.”