“I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.” – Erma Bombeck

“In a large family, the first child is kind of like the first pancake. If it’s not perfect, that’s okay, there are plenty more to come.” – Antonia Lawrence

“Having a big family means having a lot of love, chaos, and a permanent shortage of hot water.” – Unknown

“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family… in another city.” – George Burns

“In a big family, the dinner table is an arena where opinions, stories, and food fly in equal measure.” – Unknown

“Growing up with a lot of siblings is like having built-in best friends… who also drive you crazy.” – Unknown

“Being part of a large family means there’s always someone to blame for something.” – Unknown

“A large family is just like a dishwasher – noisy, messy, but ultimately gets the job done.” – Unknown

“Family: Where life begins and love never ends… even if it means constantly fighting over the TV remote.” – Unknown

“In a large family, gossip is not a hobby, it’s a full-time job.” – Unknown

“The best thing about a big family is that you always have someone to share your food with… whether you want to or not.” – Unknown

“Having a big family means there’s always someone to laugh at your jokes, even if they’re not funny.” – Unknown

“Growing up in a large family is like having a constant live audience for all your embarrassing moments.” – Unknown

“In a big family, secrets are like gold – rare and highly valued.” – Unknown FOUND HAPPINESS AGAIN QUOTES

“Having a large family means having a built-in cheering squad for all your accomplishments… and a chorus of critics for your failures.” – Unknown

“In a big family, there’s always a game of hide and seek happening… even if no one is actually playing.” – Unknown

“Family reunions are like one big happy circus, where everyone knows how to perform and annoy each other at the same time.” – Unknown

“Being born into a large family is like receiving a lifetime membership to a private comedy club.” – Unknown

“Growing up in a big family means that you never have to worry about feeling lonely… unless you’re in the bathroom.” – Unknown

“Being part of a large family means that you’re never too old for a good old-fashioned sibling rivalry.” – Unknown

“In a big family, dinner conversation is like a live talk show with a rotating cast of characters.” – Unknown

“Having a large family means that your secrets are better protected than the national treasure.” – Unknown

“Raising a big family is like gardening – you sow the seeds and hope for the best, but sometimes you end up with a few weeds.” – Unknown

“Being part of a big family means that shouting is the unofficial language of communication.” – Unknown

“Growing up with a lot of siblings is like having a built-in comedy show that never gets cancelled.” – Unknown

“In a big family, bedtime stories often turn into epic sagas with multiple sequels and spin-offs.” – Unknown

“Having a large family means that every meal is a party… with a side of chaos.” – Unknown