“I’m sorry, did you just say it’s Monday? I thought you said it’s coffee time!”

“Coffee: because adulting is hard and Mondays are even harder.”

“I like my coffee like I like my Mondays: strong and black.”

“Monday mornings are like a bad cup of coffee, you just have to power through it.”

“I run on coffee and sarcasm, especially on Mondays.”

“Monday + Coffee = A match made in heaven.”

“I’m not a morning person, but I’ll gladly be a coffee person on Mondays.”

“Coffee is my Monday motivation.”

“Coffee: the Monday miracle worker.”

“If mornings had a face, I would throw a cup of coffee at it on Mondays.”

“Monday asks for coffee, and I say, ‘Challenge accepted!'” ASHAMED QUOTES SAYINGS

“Coffee is the official sponsor of my Monday mornings.”

“Coffee makes Mondays tolerable, and by tolerable, I mean survivable.”

“Monday without coffee is like a weekend without sleep – unbearable!”

“I can’t espresso how much I need coffee on Mondays.”

“Dear Monday, coffee is my way of saying, ‘I don’t want to talk to you yet.'”

“I don’t always drink coffee, but when I do, it’s always on a Monday.”

“Coffee, because adulting starts on Mondays.”

“Monday: the day you realize the weekend is over just as your coffee cup is empty.”

“Coffee: the Monday morning magic potion.”