“I always say ‘morning’ instead of ‘good morning’ because if I were to wish you a good morning, it would still be misleading.”

“Coffee: Because adulting is hard.”

“The only thing more terrifying than Mondays is realizing that tomorrow is only Tuesday.”

“Just once, I would like to wake up, turn on the news, and hear: ‘Monday has been canceled. Go back to sleep.’”

“I don’t need anger management. I just need people to stop pissing me off.”

“Dear Monday, my body is still in weekend mode. Sincerely, I’m not ready for you.”

“The only thing worse than a Monday is a Monday without coffee.”

“If Monday had a face, I would punch it.”

“When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.”

“Not sure if I hate Mondays or if I just really like Fridays.”

“I don’t work on Mondays. Just kidding, I’m self-employed, so yes, I work on Mondays.”

“Monday is just a reminder that the weekend has past and there are only a few more days until the next one.”

“Mondays are for fresh starts. Except when they feel like a bad sequel to a lousy weekend.”

“On Mondays, I do yoga. Just kidding, I drink wine in my yoga pants.” I WILL PASS THIS WAY BUT ONCE QUOTE

“Motivation is like a Monday – it never lasts for too long.”

“The only way to survive a Monday is with a ‘don’t care’ attitude.”

“Mondays are like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”

“If each day is a gift, I’d like to return Monday.”

“Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday.”

“Monday mornings are the holy grail of hangover days.”

“If Monday had a theme song, it would be the sound of silence.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of a good cup of coffee on a Monday morning.”

“Mondays are like horoscopes – they give us a glimpse of how our week is going to be crap.”

“The worst part about Mondays is knowing that the next weekend is still five days away.”

“I hate Mondays as much as I hate skipping dessert.”

“If Mondays were shoes, they’d be Crocs – painful and nonsensical.”

“The only positive thing about Mondays is that they’re a great motivation to start planning your next vacation.”