“Why do we go to the bathroom with closed doors? Because we’re modest, not because we’re naked.”

“My mirror told me I’m beautiful today, but I still looked better with clothes on.”

“Nudists have nothing to hide, except maybe their sunscreen.”

“I asked my wife if she thought I looked good naked. She said, ‘Honey, I don’t even need to see you naked to know that you’re amazing.'”

“The only thing I’m ever truly naked with is my emotions on Monday mornings.”

“I came into this world naked, and when I go, I want to make sure I’ve left an impression.”

“Why wear clothes when you can rock the birthday suit?”

“Nudity is the only outfit you can’t find on Amazon.”

“I tried skinny dipping once, but the water got jealous of my good looks and started to boil.”

“My body is like a sacred temple, except it has zero dress code.”

“Do I believe in love at first sight? Well, if you’re naked, I’ll believe in anything.”

“I told my doctor that I’m always naked at home. He just replied, ‘Let’s hope you don’t have any surprise visitors.'”

“Naked truth: Life is too short to worry about tan lines.” GOD AND WEED QUOTES

“Whenever I feel stressed, I just take off all my clothes and remind myself that life is meant to be enjoyed.”

“Dance like nobody’s watching, especially if you’re naked. That way, they won’t want to watch.”

“Clothes are overrated. They’re just an excuse for people to take you more seriously.”

“Remember, being naked is a state of mind. I could be wearing a three-piece suit and still feel naked.”

“If everyone were naked, we wouldn’t have fashion bloggers. And the world would be a much happier place.”

“The best thing about being naked is that your pockets are always empty.”

“They say clothes make the man, but I say being naked gives him freedom.”

“I once asked a nudist for fashion advice. They simply replied, ‘Give up wearing fashion.'”

“Who needs a gym when you can just dance naked in front of a mirror and burn calories from laughter?”

“Naked dreams are the best dreams, unless you’re sleepwalking.”

“I’m naked and I know it. Just don’t ask me to prove it.”